This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs the relationship between the Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Administration) located in the website network and associated with the above domain under domains, as well as related game resources related to these games and the User of the Project (hereinafter referred to as the User).
1. General Provisions
1.1 The User, accepting the terms of this Agreement, confirms that he has reached the age of majority and has the right to conclude this Agreement, minors are obliged to obtain permission from their parents or guardians to use the services of the Games. If the User, according to the laws of his state, is prohibited from receiving games or other online services or there are other legislative restrictions, including restrictions on the age of admission to such services, the User has no right to use the Games and undertakes to immediately stop using the Games.
1.2 All trademarks and other designations of goods or services used or mentioned in the Games belong to their legal owners. All other rights, not explicitly indicated as belonging to third parties, belong to the Administration or the legal holders of such rights.
1.3 All services or services within the Project (including paid services) are provided exclusively by the Administration. Receiving services or services from third parties may result in the refusal to provide the Project services to the User at the discretion of the Administration - in whole or in part. The price of paid services is set by the Administration at the time of their sale to the User and can be changed unilaterally at any time from the date of publication on the official website.
1.4 The User's consent to the provisions of this Agreement is a prerequisite for starting to use the Games. Confirmation of the User's adherence to the Agreement is the User's acceptance of its terms on the website by selecting and pressing the “I agree” option (or a similar option). If the User does not accept the terms of this Agreement or does not agree with the Rules, then he or she does not have the right to use the Games and must contact the support service to block his or her account, if any. The Agreement is valid until its termination at the initiative of the Administration, or at the initiative of the User.
1.5 The use of the Games and other Services is carried out by the User "as is", that is, the Administration is not liable to the User under any circumstances for any direct or indirect damage that the User may suffer in connection with the use of the Games or Game Services.
1.6 In accordance with this Agreement, the User is provided with the following services:
➡ access to the Games and participation in the game processes;
➡ access to all information resources of the project and services necessary for using the Games.
1.7 The software necessary for accessing the Games is available free of charge on the official website. The User independently and at his own expense pays for the equipment (personal computer), Internet access.
1.8 In the process of creating an account and a character, the Player will need to choose a username, password and character name. The complexity of the login/password directly affects the security of the account.
It is forbidden to create accounts and characters using names that contain:
➡ explicitly or implicitly mention pedophilia, sexual violence, sexual orientation of the Administration, the Player or any third party,
➡ racism and other activities that incite racial and/or ethnic conflicts;
➡ swear words, obscene and vulgar language;
➡ names of third parties with the intention of impersonating such third parties;
➡ other information that contradicts generally recognized principles of morality and rights that violate the rights of third parties.
1.9 The account owner is fully responsible for everything that was done through his account, regardless of his level of sanity at the time of the violation or who performed these actions.
1.10 To register an account, the player must provide the Administration with the personal data requested during registration.
1.11 The User is obliged to remember his registration data (login, password), or store them in a safe place. In case of loss or theft of this data, the Administration reserves the right not to deal with its return, restoration of the right to the account, etc.
1.12 The language of the game is English. Support is provided exclusively in English.
1.13 The Administration reserves the right to make any changes to the server side, gameplay and Rules of the project without prior notice to the Players.
1.14 The Player is obliged to immediately inform the Administration about the bug, error, defect noticed in the Games or server software, as well as about the offender who uses such errors or is suspected of doing so. Concealment of this information is considered complicity.
2. Rights and responsibilities of the Administration
2.1 The Administration has the right:
2.1.1 Manage the game processes at your own discretion.
2.1.2 Make changes to the Games or game processes unilaterally, without any special notification to the User.
2.1.3 Restrict and/or terminate the functionality of the Games at any time, without any special notification to the User.
2.1.4 Request the User's personal data, store, process the User's personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Personal Data”. Such information includes: surname, name, patronymic, gender, age, date of birth, address of the place of registration, address of residence, contact telephone number, e-mail address, if the User uses paid services, data about the User's payment data, including information about credit and/or debit cards and/or other means of payment.
2.1.5 Refuse, without prior notice to the User, in the provision of Games, game services for violation of this Agreement.
2.1.6 Remove any information or materials from the game servers and/or related to the above domain under domains if they, from the point of view of the Administration, are unacceptable, undesirable or violate this Agreement.
2.1.7 The Administration has the right to transfer data about the User to law enforcement agencies in case of violation by the User of the current legislation, or in case of a request by law enforcement agencies to investigate crimes. >
2.1.8 At any time, change the Game Rules, terms of service and/or their content, the Administration will notify the User about this by posting the relevant information on the website.
2.1.9 Prohibit the use of any account without explanation.
2.1.10 During the game, make comments, warn, notify, inform the player about non-compliance with the Game Rules Game.
2.1.11 Send the Player messages with informative or technical content related to the Game and/or gameplay, sending individual messages in the form chosen by the Administration.
2.1.12 The administration decides independently and at its own discretion what is considered a violation of these Game Rules. At the same time, the Administration is not obliged to provide the player with any evidence proving a violation.
2.1.13 The Administration reserves the right to evaluate the actions of Users and impose any penalties on them in cases not provided for by these Rules, if it deems it necessary.
2.1.14 Accounts and all their contents are the property of the Administration.
2.2 Responsibility of the Administration:
2.2.1 The Administration undertakes not to disclose the information about the User provided to it during registration.
2.2.2 The Administration is not responsible to the User for the actions of other Users.
2.2.3 The Administration does not guarantee that the Games software is error-free and does not guarantee uninterrupted operation.
2.2.4 The Administration is not responsible for temporary technical failures and interruptions in the operation of the Games, communication lines, as well as malfunctions of the equipment from which the User uses the Games.
2.2.5 The Administration is not responsible for all risks and losses that may be associated with the disclosure by the User of his personal data and personal game information to third parties.
2.2.6 The Administration has the right to intervene in the game to resolve conflicts at its discretion.
2.2.7 The Administration is not responsible if the Player loses the ability to access his account in the Games and/or on the Website.
2.2.8 The Administration is not responsible for any damage to the Player that occurs as a result of unauthorized access by third parties to the Player's personal information, including access to the Player's account and personal account.
2.2.9 The Administration is not responsible for anything the Player says (verbally or in writing) while in the Games, in chat rooms or on the Games forums, or for any consequences of the Player's statements.
2.2.10 The server administration is not responsible for cases of damages arising from the Game and other cases that may lead to undesirable situations.
2.2.11 The administration is not obliged to resolve hacked accounts and may assist in returning items if your account is hacked. All help regarding hacking is provided whenever possible. (However, we still strongly recommend that you write to us immediately).
3. User's Rights and Obligations
3.1 User's Rights:
3.1.1 Use the Games and all related game services exclusively for personal, non-commercial purposes, in full compliance with the Game Rules.
3.1.2 Post information on the Games website through forums and chats.
3.1.3 It is forbidden to publish information containing:
➡ violence;
➡ pornography;
➡ insults to the Administration, Players and other Users of the website;
➡ using mate, as well as veiled insults in game chats, comments;
➡ lying and slandering the Administration and Players;
➡ advertising of third-party resources (discussion, spam, links to third-party sites and other projects or Games);
➡ agitating the Players, negatively positioning them in relation to the Administration, Players and other people;
➡ buying/selling game values ​​in other projects;
➡ buying/selling/exchanging game accounts;
➡ it is forbidden to publish or upload files that contain viruses, trojans, worms, time bombs, canselbots, corrupted files or data or other similar software that may damage the Games or disrupt the operation of other people's computers.
3.1.4 It is permitted to publish information containing:
➡ Player's creativity (artwork/images/animations, audio recordings, videos);
➡ screenshots;
➡ works that do not correspond to the theme of the Games are subject to withdrawal;
➡ Gameplay screenshots of other projects or Games are subject to removal.
➡ participate in contests, quizzes, promotions held by the Administration on the website, in the manner prescribed by the terms of such contests, quizzes, promotions.
3.1.5 The User does not have the right to interfere with the program code, unauthorized access to the computer system, access to the databases of the Users of the Games without the appropriate permission of the Administration.
3.1.6 The User has the right to use additional (paid) services.
3.2 Obligations of the User:
3.2.1 The User must comply with all the terms of this Agreement.
3.2.2 Pay independently and at your own expense costs for software for your computer, Internet access, in the amount necessary to use the Games.
3.2.3 At the request of the Administration, provide complete and reliable information about yourself that allows identifying the owner of the game account.
3.2.4 Do not transfer any information and/or software that contains viruses or other harmful components, as well as perform other actions that contradict the norms of the current legislation.
3.2.5 If you find software bugs, immediately inform the Administration.
3.2.6 The User is obliged to treat other Users respectfully and correctly of the Games and the Administration.
3.2.7 If the User disagrees with this Agreement, he/she must stop using the Games.
3.2.8 Prevent unauthorized access to the Account, as well as immediately notify the support service in case of a threat of unauthorized use of the Account by third parties.
3.2.9 Provide correct information when creating an Account and registering on the Website. If the Player indicates inaccurate information, the Player assumes all possible risks that may arise.
3.3 User's Responsibility:
3.3.1 Responsibility for compliance with the Game Rules, violation of this Agreement lies with the Account Holder, regardless of who performed actions under this account.
3.3.2 The User agrees that in case of violation of this Agreement, the Administration has the right to apply sanctions to him at any time at its discretion.
3.3.3 Trading in the game is carried out directly by the players themselves and any mistakes made by the participants in trading relations remain on their conscience.
4. Limitations
4.1 By this Agreement, the User is notified that the Games may provide various sound or visual effects that, under certain circumstances, may cause an aggravation of these conditions in people prone to epilepsy or other nervous disorders and the User guarantees that he does not suffer from such disorders or undertakes not to use the Games.
4.2 The User is notified that regular and prolonged (continuous) presence of a personal computer may cause various complications of a physical condition, including visual impairment, scoliosis, various forms of neurosis and other negative effects on the body. The User guarantees that he/she will use the Games exclusively for a reasonable time, with breaks for rest or other measures to prevent physical condition.
4.3 The User is notified that none of the elements of the Games, including but not limited to the in-game mail and in-game chat, are reliable, safe and secure, and that all messages sent by the User to other Users of the Games may be recorded and studied by representatives of the Administration for the purpose of preventing fraudulent activities and violations of this Agreement.
5. Refund Policy
5.1 From the moment the funds are debited by the Operator from the User's account, the Paid Additional Service shall be deemed to be provided in full and of proper quality.
5.2 After providing a Paid Additional Service, the funds spent on it shall not be subject to refund.
5.3 Information on the methods and possibilities of purchasing Additional Paid Services is provided by the Operator on the Website.
5.4 The Operator shall not compensate the User for funds used in whole or in part for Additional Paid Services.
5.5 The User, at his own expense, independently bears all financial expenses related to the purchase (transfer of funds) of Additional Paid Services. This section includes commission fees, taxes and other costs.
6. Other conditions
6.1 This Agreement may be changed or supplemented by the Administration at any time without prior notice to the User, the User is obliged to independently monitor the changes on the website. If the User has not stopped using the Games, this means full agreement with the changes to this Agreement.

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